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Strategy and Puzzles Landing Page | Games For Thinkers
THE MEDITATION GAME offers a delightful excursion into the realm of pure strategy. Though simple in design, the game is rich in creative possibilities and subtle surprises. The colorful playing mat and 49 playing rings are used by two players or teams in the pursuit of “Spontaneous Right Action”. Clear, coherent and comprehensive thought is required for success. THE MEDITATION GAME offers people of all ages a refreshing opportunity to experience a gentle, mental massage. The game comes in a polyethylene mailing envelope with an address label that can be sent as a gift to friends by adding a single first-class postage stamp.

TAC-TICKLE – What’s it all about? (0:40)

TAC-TICKLE is a sixteen-game kit that is as simple to learn as tic-tac-toe. The surface similarity ends quickly as learners discover the subtle and intricate sophistication of this deceptive little gem. TAC-TICKLE has been a favorite of computer programmers exploring the profound mathematical theory involved in adapting it to computerized play. The pocket-sized kit consists of a pair of playing boards, cubes and directions. Cubes fit into a molded foam playing board that holds loose pieces tightly making it an ideal traveling game for children and adults.

CONFIGURATIONS – What’s it all about? (0:59)

CONFIGURATIONS is a series of geometric puzzles based on Harold L. Dorwart’s book, “The Geometry of Incidence”. Mr. Dorwart was the Seabury Professor and Chairman of the Mathematics Department at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. One reviewer declared: “Professor Dorwart employs his high competence as a mathematician and as a teacher to guide the willing and diligent traveler along a simple yet elegant road through geometric country that is rich in rewards of beauty, excitement, surprise, amusement, delight, and illumination.” It is the perfect gift for those who a intrigued by solitaire games involving careful reasoning.

QWIK-SANE – What’s it all about? (0:33)

QWIK-SANE is a topological puzzle that will challenge and delight people devoted to solitaire games calling for careful reasoning. It is simple in both design and theme, yet calls for concentrated effort to achieve the precise objective. Almost anyone willing to apply careful attention and patience will be able to “work” this puzzle, but solving the problem in the specified manner required is a genuine challenge. QUIK-SANE was developed by James R. O’Neil, a retiree from the U.S. Treasury Department, after 39 years of government service. Throughout his working years, Mr. O’Neil pursued an avocation of inventing toys and games for which he holds several patents.

Tri-Nim – What’s it all about? (1:08)

TRI-NIM is the co-creation of two brilliant brothers with a life-long fascination for exploring the mathematical and strategic implications of Nim games. Professor Hervey Hicks, a mathematics professor until his death in 1944, spent decades playing, inventing, and analyzing mathematical games. He and his brother, Bruce Hicks, an applied physicist and digital computer specialist, collaborated to produce TRI-NIM. It is a quick moving game with extremely challenging and subtle strategy. It is played on a triangular board with varied numbers of colored counters depending on the complexity desired. Players move counters from the center zero spaces to spaces with higher numerical values and ultimately off the board into a goal. Points are scored by controlling a corner of the board by the moves made. Pondering TRI-NIM with stretch you, whoever you are. It is the ultimate game for strategists.